April 12th, 2023
1:00p - 2:30p
Register: Meeting Registration - Zoom
As adult ESOL educators, our shared commitment to our learners goes beyond the classroom. Adult learners come with complex life demands and experiences that can interfere with their ability to participate fully in class. Being able to connect learners to support services minimizes barriers to participating in class and helps them meet their essential needs. How effectively is your program able to provide support services directly or by referral to your learners?
During this TPA meeting for program administrators (coordinators, managers, directors, etc,) you will learn about the different systems and processes fellow adult ESOL programs use to address learner needs inside and outside of the classroom. You will explore the different types of support services recommended by the TESOL Standards for Adult ESOL Programs. You will assess your own program’s support services, and how they can be strengthened.