FY21 Grants Info Session

Jan 29, 2020 - 01:00 pm

MCAEL invites you to an information session on its FY21 grants for adult English literacy services. MCAEL aims to increase the availability and improve the quality of adult ESOL services in Montgomery County.

MCAEL staff will provide an overview of:

  • FY21 grant priorities;
  • Grant types;
  • The grant cycle timeline; and
  • Application and review processes.

Staff will be available to answer any questions that potential applicants may have. All organizations interested in submitting an application are encouraged to attend.
Grants information, including the Grant Guidelines for Program and Access Grants, will be available on the MCAEL website (www.mcael.org) on Friday, January 24. The online grant submission portal will be enabled on or before February 3.

Once registered, you will receive the Zoom meeting link. Register here!

Registration link will close on January 28th.

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