Class Information

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Cedarbrook Community Church Free English Classes

Program Info

23700 Stringtown Rd Clarksburg, MD 23701
Cedarbrook Community Church
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday.


General Information

  • Under $25
  • Weekday: Evening (5pm-10pm)
Wednesdays 7 - 9 pm No
They need to purchase a book.

Areas Served

  • Up County

Course Location(s):

  • Cedarbrook Community Church - 23700 Stringtown Road Clarksburg, MD 20871

Course Info

2 hours


One Session

  • Rolling Admission
Anytime between October 4th 2017 - May 2018

Learner Levels Served

  • Beginning Literacy ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: cannot speak or understand English, or understands only isolated words or phrases; has no or minimal reading or writing skills in any language; may have little or no comprehension of how print corresponds to spoken language and may have difficulty using a writing instrument; can communicate only through gestures or a few isolated words, such as name and other personal information; may recognize only common signs or symbols.
  • Low Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand basic greetings, simple phrases and commands; can understand simple questions related to personal information, spoken slowly and with repetition; understands a limited number of words related to immediate needs and can respond with simple learned phrases to some common questions related to routine survival situations. Speaks slowly and with difficulty; demonstrates little or no control over grammar; can read numbers and letters and some common sight words; may be able to sound out simple words; can read and write some familiar words and phrases, but has a limited understanding of connected prose in English; can write basic personal information (e.g., name, address, telephone number) and can complete simple forms that elicit this information; can provide limited personal information on simple forms, and can read very simple common forms of print found in the home and environment, such as product names.
  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.
  • High Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand learned phrases and short new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly and with some repetition; can communicate basic survival needs with some help; can participate in conversation in limited social situations and use new phrases with hesitation; and relies on description and concrete terms. There is inconsistent control of more complex grammar; can read text on familiar subjects that have a simple and clear underlying structure (e.g., clear main idea, chronological order); can use context to determine meaning; can interpret actions required in specific written directions; can write simple paragraphs with main idea and supporting details on familiar topics (e.g., daily activities, personal issues) by recombining learned vocabulary and structures; and can self and peer edit for spelling and punctuation errors; can meet basic survival and social needs, can follow some simple oral and written instruction, and has some ability to communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; can write messages and notes related to basic needs; can complete basic medical forms and job applications.
  • Advanced Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand and communicate in a variety of contexts related to daily life and work; can understand and participate in conversation on a variety of everyday subjects, including some unfamiliar vocabulary, but may need repetition or rewording; can clarify own or others’ meaning by rewording; can understand the main points of simple discussions and informational communication in familiar contexts; shows some ability to go beyond learned patterns and construct new sentences. Shows control of basic grammar but has difficulty using more complex structures; has some basic fluency of speech; can read moderately complex text related to life roles and descriptions and narratives from authentic materials on familiar subjects; uses context and word analysis skills to understand vocabulary, and uses multiple strategies to understand unfamiliar texts; can make inferences, predictions, and compare and contrast information in familiar texts; can write multi-paragraph text (e.g., organizes and develops ideas with clear introduction, body, and conclusion), using some complex grammar and a variety of sentence structures; makes some grammar and spelling errors; uses a range of vocabulary; can function independently to meet most survival needs and to use English in routine social and work situations; can communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; understands radio and television on familiar topics; can interpret routine charts, tables and graphs and can complete forms and handle work demands that require non-technical oral and written instructions and routine interaction with the public.

Other Programs Offered

  • Conversation

Charles W. Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center - Conversation

Program Info

11002 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 506, Wheaton, MD 20902 Wheaton, MD 20902
Anna DeNicolo
Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm


General Information

  • Free
  • Weekday: Afternoon (12-5pm)
  • Weekday: Evening (5pm-10pm)
Online: Mondays 1:30pm - 3pm Mondays 6pm - 7:30pm Tuesdays 1:30pm - 3pm Wednesdays (Idioms) 1:30pm - 3pm Thursdays 10:30am - 12pm Thursdays 1:30pm - 3pm Fridays 10:30am - 12pm Wheaton: Intermediate - Tuesdays 1:30 - 3pm Advanced - Tuesdays 1:30 - 3pm No
No requirements - free, drop-in class.

Areas Served

  • Up County
  • Mid County
  • Eastern Montgomery

Course Location(s):

  • Westfield South Building, 11002 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 506, Wheaton, MD 20902;
  • Gaithersburg: Gaithersburg Library, 18330 Montgomery Village Avenue, 2nd Floor, Gaithersburg, MD 20879;
  • Online

Course Info


classes offered year-round

classes offered year-round

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Rolling Admission

Learner Levels Served

  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.
  • High Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand learned phrases and short new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly and with some repetition; can communicate basic survival needs with some help; can participate in conversation in limited social situations and use new phrases with hesitation; and relies on description and concrete terms. There is inconsistent control of more complex grammar; can read text on familiar subjects that have a simple and clear underlying structure (e.g., clear main idea, chronological order); can use context to determine meaning; can interpret actions required in specific written directions; can write simple paragraphs with main idea and supporting details on familiar topics (e.g., daily activities, personal issues) by recombining learned vocabulary and structures; and can self and peer edit for spelling and punctuation errors; can meet basic survival and social needs, can follow some simple oral and written instruction, and has some ability to communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; can write messages and notes related to basic needs; can complete basic medical forms and job applications.
  • Advanced Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand and communicate in a variety of contexts related to daily life and work; can understand and participate in conversation on a variety of everyday subjects, including some unfamiliar vocabulary, but may need repetition or rewording; can clarify own or others’ meaning by rewording; can understand the main points of simple discussions and informational communication in familiar contexts; shows some ability to go beyond learned patterns and construct new sentences. Shows control of basic grammar but has difficulty using more complex structures; has some basic fluency of speech; can read moderately complex text related to life roles and descriptions and narratives from authentic materials on familiar subjects; uses context and word analysis skills to understand vocabulary, and uses multiple strategies to understand unfamiliar texts; can make inferences, predictions, and compare and contrast information in familiar texts; can write multi-paragraph text (e.g., organizes and develops ideas with clear introduction, body, and conclusion), using some complex grammar and a variety of sentence structures; makes some grammar and spelling errors; uses a range of vocabulary; can function independently to meet most survival needs and to use English in routine social and work situations; can communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; understands radio and television on familiar topics; can interpret routine charts, tables and graphs and can complete forms and handle work demands that require non-technical oral and written instructions and routine interaction with the public.

Other Programs Offered

  • Citizenship
  • Social Service Support
  • Computer Classes

Charles W. Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center - Evening ESOL

Program Info

11002 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 506, Wheaton, MD 20902 Wheaton, MD 20902
Anna DeNicolo
Monday -Friday 9-5


General Information

  • $25-$50
  • Weekday: Evening (5pm-10pm)
Wheaton: - Basic and Level 1 - Tues/Thurs 6pm - 8pm Online: - Basic - Mon/Wed 5:30 - 7pm - Level 1 - Tues/Thurs 5:30 - 7pm - Level 2 - Mon/Wed 7:30 - 9pm - Level 3 - Tues/Thurs 7:30 - 9pm No
Free if already have the book. Price subject to change; Placement test and registration.

Areas Served

  • Up County
  • Rockville
  • Bethesda
  • Silver Spring
  • Mid County
  • Eastern Montgomery

Course Location(s):

  • Online

Course Info

3 hours/week

8 weeks/session

3 sessions/year

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring

Learner Levels Served

  • Beginning Literacy ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: cannot speak or understand English, or understands only isolated words or phrases; has no or minimal reading or writing skills in any language; may have little or no comprehension of how print corresponds to spoken language and may have difficulty using a writing instrument; can communicate only through gestures or a few isolated words, such as name and other personal information; may recognize only common signs or symbols.
  • Low Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand basic greetings, simple phrases and commands; can understand simple questions related to personal information, spoken slowly and with repetition; understands a limited number of words related to immediate needs and can respond with simple learned phrases to some common questions related to routine survival situations. Speaks slowly and with difficulty; demonstrates little or no control over grammar; can read numbers and letters and some common sight words; may be able to sound out simple words; can read and write some familiar words and phrases, but has a limited understanding of connected prose in English; can write basic personal information (e.g., name, address, telephone number) and can complete simple forms that elicit this information; can provide limited personal information on simple forms, and can read very simple common forms of print found in the home and environment, such as product names.
  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.

Other Programs Offered

  • Conversation
  • Citizenship
  • Social Service Support
  • Native Language Literacy
  • Computer Classes

Charles W. Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center - Saturday English

Program Info

11002 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 202, Wheaton, MD 20902 Wheaton, MD 20902
Anna DeNicolo
Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm


General Information

  • Free
Saturdays, 9-11am, 11am - 1pm No
Placement test and registration.

Areas Served

  • Up County
  • Mid County

Course Location(s):

  • Westfield South Bldg., 11002 Veirs Mill Road, 5th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902

Course Info

2 hours/week

8 weeks/session

3-4 sessions per year

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer

Learner Levels Served

  • Beginning Literacy ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: cannot speak or understand English, or understands only isolated words or phrases; has no or minimal reading or writing skills in any language; may have little or no comprehension of how print corresponds to spoken language and may have difficulty using a writing instrument; can communicate only through gestures or a few isolated words, such as name and other personal information; may recognize only common signs or symbols.
  • Low Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand basic greetings, simple phrases and commands; can understand simple questions related to personal information, spoken slowly and with repetition; understands a limited number of words related to immediate needs and can respond with simple learned phrases to some common questions related to routine survival situations. Speaks slowly and with difficulty; demonstrates little or no control over grammar; can read numbers and letters and some common sight words; may be able to sound out simple words; can read and write some familiar words and phrases, but has a limited understanding of connected prose in English; can write basic personal information (e.g., name, address, telephone number) and can complete simple forms that elicit this information; can provide limited personal information on simple forms, and can read very simple common forms of print found in the home and environment, such as product names.
  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.

Other Programs Offered

  • Citizenship
  • Social Service Support
  • Native Language Literacy
  • Computer Classes
  • Computer Lab

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Program Info

One Chevy Chase Circle, NW Washington, DC 20015
Allen Blakey


General Information

  • Free
  • Weekend: Afternoon (12-5pm)
Sunday, 12:30 - 2:30 pm No
Adults only.

Areas Served

  • Bethesda

Course Location(s):

  • Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church - One Chevy Chase Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20015

Course Info




  • Rolling Admission

Learner Levels Served

  • Low Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand basic greetings, simple phrases and commands; can understand simple questions related to personal information, spoken slowly and with repetition; understands a limited number of words related to immediate needs and can respond with simple learned phrases to some common questions related to routine survival situations. Speaks slowly and with difficulty; demonstrates little or no control over grammar; can read numbers and letters and some common sight words; may be able to sound out simple words; can read and write some familiar words and phrases, but has a limited understanding of connected prose in English; can write basic personal information (e.g., name, address, telephone number) and can complete simple forms that elicit this information; can provide limited personal information on simple forms, and can read very simple common forms of print found in the home and environment, such as product names.
  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.
  • High Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand learned phrases and short new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly and with some repetition; can communicate basic survival needs with some help; can participate in conversation in limited social situations and use new phrases with hesitation; and relies on description and concrete terms. There is inconsistent control of more complex grammar; can read text on familiar subjects that have a simple and clear underlying structure (e.g., clear main idea, chronological order); can use context to determine meaning; can interpret actions required in specific written directions; can write simple paragraphs with main idea and supporting details on familiar topics (e.g., daily activities, personal issues) by recombining learned vocabulary and structures; and can self and peer edit for spelling and punctuation errors; can meet basic survival and social needs, can follow some simple oral and written instruction, and has some ability to communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; can write messages and notes related to basic needs; can complete basic medical forms and job applications.

Other Programs Offered

  • Conversation
  • Tutoring

Chinese Culture and Community Service Center

Program Info

9366 Gaither Road Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Chiao-chiao Liu
M-F 9:30 am - 6:30 pm


General Information

  • Under $25
  • $25-$50
  • Weekday: Morning (9am-Noon)
Mon. 10:00am - 12:00pm Tues. 10:00am - 12:00pm Wed. 10:00am - 12:00pm Thurs. 10:00 am - 12:00pm Fri. 10:00am - 12:00pm No

Areas Served

  • Up County

Course Location(s):

  • CCACC: 9366 Gaither Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
  • CCACC: 9318 Gaither Road, Suite 215, Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Course Info


Fall & Spring: 15; Summer: 8-9


  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Rolling Admission
September 13 – December 27, 2021

Learner Levels Served

  • Low Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand basic greetings, simple phrases and commands; can understand simple questions related to personal information, spoken slowly and with repetition; understands a limited number of words related to immediate needs and can respond with simple learned phrases to some common questions related to routine survival situations. Speaks slowly and with difficulty; demonstrates little or no control over grammar; can read numbers and letters and some common sight words; may be able to sound out simple words; can read and write some familiar words and phrases, but has a limited understanding of connected prose in English; can write basic personal information (e.g., name, address, telephone number) and can complete simple forms that elicit this information; can provide limited personal information on simple forms, and can read very simple common forms of print found in the home and environment, such as product names.
  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.
  • High Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand learned phrases and short new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly and with some repetition; can communicate basic survival needs with some help; can participate in conversation in limited social situations and use new phrases with hesitation; and relies on description and concrete terms. There is inconsistent control of more complex grammar; can read text on familiar subjects that have a simple and clear underlying structure (e.g., clear main idea, chronological order); can use context to determine meaning; can interpret actions required in specific written directions; can write simple paragraphs with main idea and supporting details on familiar topics (e.g., daily activities, personal issues) by recombining learned vocabulary and structures; and can self and peer edit for spelling and punctuation errors; can meet basic survival and social needs, can follow some simple oral and written instruction, and has some ability to communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; can write messages and notes related to basic needs; can complete basic medical forms and job applications.

Other Programs Offered

  • Adult Basic Education
  • Conversation
  • Citizenship
  • ESOL for Senior Citizens

Christ Episcopal Church - ESOL

Program Info

109 South Washington Street Rockville , MD 20850
Emily Correll
301 346-3285
8 am to 8 pm


General Information

  • Free
  • Weekday: Evening (5pm-10pm)
  • Weekend: Evening (5pm-10pm)
M 7-8:30pm No

Areas Served

  • Rockville

Course Location(s):

  • Christ Episcopal Church - 107 South Washington St, Rockville, MD 20850
  • Classes via Zoom for fall 2020

Course Info


drop in class, no sessions

continuous classes

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Rolling Admission
No registration necessary. Call or send e-mail to get on Zoom list.

Learner Levels Served

  • Low Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand basic greetings, simple phrases and commands; can understand simple questions related to personal information, spoken slowly and with repetition; understands a limited number of words related to immediate needs and can respond with simple learned phrases to some common questions related to routine survival situations. Speaks slowly and with difficulty; demonstrates little or no control over grammar; can read numbers and letters and some common sight words; may be able to sound out simple words; can read and write some familiar words and phrases, but has a limited understanding of connected prose in English; can write basic personal information (e.g., name, address, telephone number) and can complete simple forms that elicit this information; can provide limited personal information on simple forms, and can read very simple common forms of print found in the home and environment, such as product names.
  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.
  • High Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand learned phrases and short new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly and with some repetition; can communicate basic survival needs with some help; can participate in conversation in limited social situations and use new phrases with hesitation; and relies on description and concrete terms. There is inconsistent control of more complex grammar; can read text on familiar subjects that have a simple and clear underlying structure (e.g., clear main idea, chronological order); can use context to determine meaning; can interpret actions required in specific written directions; can write simple paragraphs with main idea and supporting details on familiar topics (e.g., daily activities, personal issues) by recombining learned vocabulary and structures; and can self and peer edit for spelling and punctuation errors; can meet basic survival and social needs, can follow some simple oral and written instruction, and has some ability to communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; can write messages and notes related to basic needs; can complete basic medical forms and job applications.
  • Advanced Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand and communicate in a variety of contexts related to daily life and work; can understand and participate in conversation on a variety of everyday subjects, including some unfamiliar vocabulary, but may need repetition or rewording; can clarify own or others’ meaning by rewording; can understand the main points of simple discussions and informational communication in familiar contexts; shows some ability to go beyond learned patterns and construct new sentences. Shows control of basic grammar but has difficulty using more complex structures; has some basic fluency of speech; can read moderately complex text related to life roles and descriptions and narratives from authentic materials on familiar subjects; uses context and word analysis skills to understand vocabulary, and uses multiple strategies to understand unfamiliar texts; can make inferences, predictions, and compare and contrast information in familiar texts; can write multi-paragraph text (e.g., organizes and develops ideas with clear introduction, body, and conclusion), using some complex grammar and a variety of sentence structures; makes some grammar and spelling errors; uses a range of vocabulary; can function independently to meet most survival needs and to use English in routine social and work situations; can communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; understands radio and television on familiar topics; can interpret routine charts, tables and graphs and can complete forms and handle work demands that require non-technical oral and written instructions and routine interaction with the public.

Other Programs Offered

  • Conversation

Christ the Servant Lutheran Church - Conversational English Club - ESOL

Program Info

9801 Centerway RD Montgomery Village, MD 20886
Kari Parsons
(301) 977-0285
M~Th 10:00- 3:00


General Information

  • Free
  • Weekday: Morning (9am-Noon)
Tuesday 10:30 - Noon No

Areas Served

  • Up County

Course Location(s):

  • Christ the Servant Lutheran Church

Course Info

1hour 30 minutes


Year Round

  • Rolling Admission
Open registration

Learner Levels Served

  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.
  • Advanced Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand and communicate in a variety of contexts related to daily life and work; can understand and participate in conversation on a variety of everyday subjects, including some unfamiliar vocabulary, but may need repetition or rewording; can clarify own or others’ meaning by rewording; can understand the main points of simple discussions and informational communication in familiar contexts; shows some ability to go beyond learned patterns and construct new sentences. Shows control of basic grammar but has difficulty using more complex structures; has some basic fluency of speech; can read moderately complex text related to life roles and descriptions and narratives from authentic materials on familiar subjects; uses context and word analysis skills to understand vocabulary, and uses multiple strategies to understand unfamiliar texts; can make inferences, predictions, and compare and contrast information in familiar texts; can write multi-paragraph text (e.g., organizes and develops ideas with clear introduction, body, and conclusion), using some complex grammar and a variety of sentence structures; makes some grammar and spelling errors; uses a range of vocabulary; can function independently to meet most survival needs and to use English in routine social and work situations; can communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; understands radio and television on familiar topics; can interpret routine charts, tables and graphs and can complete forms and handle work demands that require non-technical oral and written instructions and routine interaction with the public.

Church of the Atonement - English for Life

Program Info

10613 Georgia Ave Wheaton, MD 20902
Annelies Z. Galletta


General Information

  • $25-$50
  • Weekday: Evening (5pm-10pm)
Monday evening 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm Thursday evening 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm Yes
Limited childcare available. Must be arranged in advance. No

Areas Served

  • Silver Spring

Course Location(s):

  • Church of the Atonement - 16013 Georgia Avenue, Wheaton, MD 20902

Course Info

2 hours per week

16 weeks

2 sessions per year

  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Rolling Admission
Contact us for a placement interview any time. First day of class August 26, 2024. Registration ongoing.

Learner Levels Served

  • Low Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand basic greetings, simple phrases and commands; can understand simple questions related to personal information, spoken slowly and with repetition; understands a limited number of words related to immediate needs and can respond with simple learned phrases to some common questions related to routine survival situations. Speaks slowly and with difficulty; demonstrates little or no control over grammar; can read numbers and letters and some common sight words; may be able to sound out simple words; can read and write some familiar words and phrases, but has a limited understanding of connected prose in English; can write basic personal information (e.g., name, address, telephone number) and can complete simple forms that elicit this information; can provide limited personal information on simple forms, and can read very simple common forms of print found in the home and environment, such as product names.
  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.
  • High Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand learned phrases and short new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly and with some repetition; can communicate basic survival needs with some help; can participate in conversation in limited social situations and use new phrases with hesitation; and relies on description and concrete terms. There is inconsistent control of more complex grammar; can read text on familiar subjects that have a simple and clear underlying structure (e.g., clear main idea, chronological order); can use context to determine meaning; can interpret actions required in specific written directions; can write simple paragraphs with main idea and supporting details on familiar topics (e.g., daily activities, personal issues) by recombining learned vocabulary and structures; and can self and peer edit for spelling and punctuation errors; can meet basic survival and social needs, can follow some simple oral and written instruction, and has some ability to communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; can write messages and notes related to basic needs; can complete basic medical forms and job applications.

Classroom 2 Community (formerly Literacy Council of Montgomery County) - Adult English Class

Program Info

21 Maryland Ave. Suite 320 Rockville, MD 20850
Ayesha Ayyad - Registration Information


C2C Classroom 2 Community Logo

General Information

  • Free
  • Weekday: Morning (9am-Noon)
  • Weekday: Evening (5pm-10pm)
  • Weekend: Morning (9am-Noon)
Mon/Wed 10am-1pm Mon/Wed 6pm-9pm Tue/Thurs 10am-1pm Tue/Thurs 6pm-9pm Sat 9am-1:30pm No
18 years of age and older. We cannot serve J-1 or F-1 visa holders.

Areas Served

  • Up County
  • Rockville
  • Silver Spring
  • Eastern Montgomery

Course Location(s):

  • Online in Zoom
  • Rockville Library
  • Wheaton WorkSource Montgomery
  • Up County WorkSource Montgomery
  • Equus Silver Spring
  • East County Regional Center

Course Info

3 hours each class, 2 classes each week (6 hours each week)

8 weeks each class

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Rolling Admission
Classes start monthly. Registration ALWAYS open!

Learner Levels Served

  • Beginning Literacy ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: cannot speak or understand English, or understands only isolated words or phrases; has no or minimal reading or writing skills in any language; may have little or no comprehension of how print corresponds to spoken language and may have difficulty using a writing instrument; can communicate only through gestures or a few isolated words, such as name and other personal information; may recognize only common signs or symbols.
  • Low Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand basic greetings, simple phrases and commands; can understand simple questions related to personal information, spoken slowly and with repetition; understands a limited number of words related to immediate needs and can respond with simple learned phrases to some common questions related to routine survival situations. Speaks slowly and with difficulty; demonstrates little or no control over grammar; can read numbers and letters and some common sight words; may be able to sound out simple words; can read and write some familiar words and phrases, but has a limited understanding of connected prose in English; can write basic personal information (e.g., name, address, telephone number) and can complete simple forms that elicit this information; can provide limited personal information on simple forms, and can read very simple common forms of print found in the home and environment, such as product names.
  • High Beginning ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand common words, simple phrases, and sentences containing familiar vocabulary, spoken slowly with some repetition; can respond to simple questions about personal everyday activities, and can express immediate needs, using simple learned phrases or short sentences; shows limited control of grammar; can read most sight words, and many other common words; can read familiar phrases and simple sentences but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write some simple sentences with limited vocabulary but meaning may be unclear; writing shows very little control of basic grammar, capitalization and punctuation and has many spelling errors; can function in some situations related to immediate needs and in familiar social situations. can provide basic personal information on simple forms and recognizes simple common forms of print found in the home, workplace and community.
  • Low Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; and has some control of basic grammar; can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense) and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization); can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs, and maps; can fill out simple forms but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; and can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication but in which job tasks can be demonstrated.
  • High Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand learned phrases and short new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly and with some repetition; can communicate basic survival needs with some help; can participate in conversation in limited social situations and use new phrases with hesitation; and relies on description and concrete terms. There is inconsistent control of more complex grammar; can read text on familiar subjects that have a simple and clear underlying structure (e.g., clear main idea, chronological order); can use context to determine meaning; can interpret actions required in specific written directions; can write simple paragraphs with main idea and supporting details on familiar topics (e.g., daily activities, personal issues) by recombining learned vocabulary and structures; and can self and peer edit for spelling and punctuation errors; can meet basic survival and social needs, can follow some simple oral and written instruction, and has some ability to communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; can write messages and notes related to basic needs; can complete basic medical forms and job applications.
  • Advanced Intermediate ESL learners Program offers English classes for learners who have the following capacity in English: can understand and communicate in a variety of contexts related to daily life and work; can understand and participate in conversation on a variety of everyday subjects, including some unfamiliar vocabulary, but may need repetition or rewording; can clarify own or others’ meaning by rewording; can understand the main points of simple discussions and informational communication in familiar contexts; shows some ability to go beyond learned patterns and construct new sentences. Shows control of basic grammar but has difficulty using more complex structures; has some basic fluency of speech; can read moderately complex text related to life roles and descriptions and narratives from authentic materials on familiar subjects; uses context and word analysis skills to understand vocabulary, and uses multiple strategies to understand unfamiliar texts; can make inferences, predictions, and compare and contrast information in familiar texts; can write multi-paragraph text (e.g., organizes and develops ideas with clear introduction, body, and conclusion), using some complex grammar and a variety of sentence structures; makes some grammar and spelling errors; uses a range of vocabulary; can function independently to meet most survival needs and to use English in routine social and work situations; can communicate on the telephone on familiar subjects; understands radio and television on familiar topics; can interpret routine charts, tables and graphs and can complete forms and handle work demands that require non-technical oral and written instructions and routine interaction with the public.

Other Programs Offered

  • Adult Basic Education
  • Citizenship
  • GED Test Preparation
  • Computer Classes
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